The Fragile X Lab Team NANCY C. BRADYDirector of Ph.D. StudiesPrincipal InvestigatorSpeech Language Hearing Sciences and DisordersView full profile Steven WarrenInvestigator, LIfe Span InstitueUniversity Distinguished Professor, Department of Speech Language Hearing: Sciences & DisordersDirector of Graduate Studies, Department of Speech Language Hearing: Sciences & DisordersPhD Program Coordinator, Department of Speech Language Hearing: Sciences & DisordersView full profile Kandace Kay FlemingSenior Research Scientist and Director, Research and Design AnalysisView full profile Rebecca Swinburne RomineAssociate Research Professor, Research Design and AnalysisView full profile Dara Wilson AllgeierLab Coordinator, Fragile X LabView full profile Lyda KendrickAssistant Researcher, Fragile X LabView full profile Clarissa SevillanoGraduate Research AssistantView full profile Shelley Bredin-OjaResearch ConsultantView full profile
NANCY C. BRADYDirector of Ph.D. StudiesPrincipal InvestigatorSpeech Language Hearing Sciences and DisordersView full profile
Steven WarrenInvestigator, LIfe Span InstitueUniversity Distinguished Professor, Department of Speech Language Hearing: Sciences & DisordersDirector of Graduate Studies, Department of Speech Language Hearing: Sciences & DisordersPhD Program Coordinator, Department of Speech Language Hearing: Sciences & DisordersView full profile
Kandace Kay FlemingSenior Research Scientist and Director, Research and Design AnalysisView full profile